Sunday, January 22, 2012

another thing we do, Stonington , Maine last night

Winterfest last night over Jim, Robin & Ian Cust's Stonington  home. Jim , if you remember is my fabulous contractor for the Blu project. Robin is a long time friend and most gifted metalsmith. Many of you have remarked on the ring I wear that Robin made, sterling, gold and forged steel all wrapped tastefully together.


Fred's winter students cast rings

Jim Cust figuring out my gas fireplace

overview of new house and out building in the distance


I have a nice parking place behind the house

Bridgette & Larken make waxes to cast into rings

Fred talks with Bridgette about finishing her silver rings

So this is what we do in winter

Friday, January 20, 2012

NOW I AM HOME, and last night in Portland

My new kitchen, work in progress
last night in Portland, Oregon

the snow had begun

Mari Hawkins of Sedgwick , Maine and Portland , Oregon visited on her bike in the sleet

Snow today, so glad to have my little red Honda fit back, my new Blu  house and new deck

I cleaned the counter tops of sawdust and the stove and made my first cup of tea

Our farm house across the pond, my studio is the big blocky space, guest room above, out buildings to left and right

Galen Koch, me and Mari have lunch my last day in Portland

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I waxed my last painting last night and hung it in the Morley House to let it dry

This is the sweet little school in Neskowin Valley that i visited yesterday to talk with the children about my art and my residency. I sure wish i had gone to school here. remarkable!

Some of the dear children

The last of my paintings from the farm. finished with bailing wire and Apple root stock bundled and inserted in the niche


Monday, January 9, 2012

BITTERSWEET, packing up, heading to Portland, then home to Maine

Thank you Deborah for the use of Big Blue. what a blast and how helpful as i prepare to leave to have my own transportation. I shall be returning her to you shorty.. GRATITUDE

Oh it is with great sadness that i begin packing up my studio. HOWEVER, I return in June to teach, see Sitka's summer catalogue when it comes out soon for dates. Also Ted & Judith with be over for a studio visit tomorrow and we shall select work for my summer show at their gallery , ROWBOAT, in pacific City. Tom, Meg & Fred will be represented in the show as well. What could be better!

Here are some of Meg's FOOTNOTES made in my studio last week, this piece is part of a triptych called Walking Meditation
"take my hand we will walk..."

one of the bundles of apple root stock in niche of painting

this one is half of a duet

i think they are yummy, i have a video of Meg walking the dance in progress

Friday, January 6, 2012


I invited people to burn everything they wished to leave behind in the fire pit at the River House

Tom & Meg lit the candles and we all pushed off the small votives with our intentions

computer photo in the studio


We traveled to Newport , Oregon to see whales, (the sea was too rough but 600 a day are migrating on their annual journey) we also looked for sea lions who are usually on the pier but no... none, so we went to Local Ocean and got salmon and tuna, LO lists  the fishermen  and their boats so you know who caught the fish you are purchasing. Tom made us a feast that night

my daughter, Meg Wolfe, from L.A.   on a rainy day we played in the studio, Meg is preparing for a small dance piece, the choreographer /dancers are challenged to create & present a work on a 4 foot square "STAGE"  this inspired me to ask if she would make some footnotes for me as prints that i could add to with the screens Tom burned for me from my photos. very fun

Susan D'Amato in the studio next to mine in  front of some of her 10, 000 things series..we are all sadly packing up to head home shortly concluding our time at Sitka.

For a New Year's ritual we made small bio degradable vessels, put our intentions which we wish to manifest in the world on them and cancle in them then sent them out to sea with the tide. it was so beautiful, one of the women began spontaneously singing the river song. it was magical