Sunday, March 11, 2012


KITCHEN area with some of my paintings added

My mother's hope chest, a hand made quilt from kentucky and my painting that was in the I 95 triennial last year

Andrew, my son made this table from a discarded piano lid, a foundry circle and precious wood scraps which he had saved. I love it. It is just the right scale for a small house. Fred's sculpture , Dear Dad , etc.

Bedroom, with the big sliders the small room seems large. Byron, my excavation contractor saved me lots of wonderful boulders when he dug the cellar. They are placed round the land

reflected in Georgiana's wonderful print

the woman who is selling the farm house for us  visited and brought me a beautiful orchid. i love the contrast between interior and exterior

Living room area mostly finished

You can see the contours of the land here directly east with pond at the bottom of the ravine. My friends were helping me yesterday with some cutting and clearing. a fire pit will go in the lower area left of the Norwegian Maple