Wednesday, November 16, 2011

waxing finished RIVERAIN SPIRITS & today's words

ok so now it IS RAINING and the day begins with teh wood stove. I love it!

today's table with text for intersections in my work, includes field notes, Kurt Fausch from his early work in japan , we saw his film River Web, it is excellent...newspaper i found in the wood bin, contains a manifesto by local HS kids about keeping Oregon's beaches public and being stewards, very moving words and expressions from the youth of the area, sketches of the Reflections  program marsh site, Lalena Dolby on tractor, etc. rich, fertile ground for exploration

waxing the Riverain Spirits today to complete that series, bundled conifers and such inserted in recessed boxes in panels, a sampling of things my hands collect as i walk each day, some from the farm, some from the forest, some from Cascade Head...cold wax

new samples, a bundled heart rock, a river tooth, good find by

Fred Swanson on our forest hike, and yesterdays barncle with roots

(12) 8" squares with recessed objects

finished painting not yet waxed, Conversations at the River


  1. I love the niches, like something sacred, also like something emerging, becoming, still in its privacy, and too a sense of the precious, treasures each in its own sacred space, yet so intimate

  2. each bundle like a kernel of the whole land
