Thursday, October 27, 2011

reworking paintings as a way to change the energy

I love those rocks on the far side of the estuary, today's walk, full sun!

today's FOOTNOTE

on my walk i decided to change this WATER PRAYER piece, done after the oil spill. I want to transform the energy

The lower half i painted bright blue and will next cover it with the limestone clay.i will make a regrowth forest in the niche

I learned to use the ban saw today to cut my trees, next i will begin bundling them. i am loving my small bundled samplers. i'll photograph them and post


  1. it is healing my soul to watch this process

  2. Arianne, this is my new activism, close to my core values. how can i take the toxic issues of the day and thru meditation and paint, transform the energy. Marguerite once told me that the gesture activates the surface. isn't that beautiful

  3. Woman as crucible
    Hasn't that always been true
    But this is a new way, a new transformative vision
    Something resonates deep in me, as if it has been waiting only for someone to speak your words
    to awaken in consciousness. I am thinking
    that you are lighting a new path
    that many of us may now follow
